The Ultimate Guide to Water for Maximum Health

The Ultimate Guide to Water for Maximum Health

Water is one of the most essential elements for living things to survive. It plays immense role in the life of all living things and it is impossible to survive without water. We understand this is a common fact and we all underdtand this. But did you know that you can survive without food for up to 3 weeks but we can not survive without water for more than a week. In this article guide to water for maximum health would be discussed.


Why is drinking water important?

 Over the course of your life, you’ve probably heard many people tell you that you need to drink water. In fact, you may have heard it so much, you might have questions about water. Why is drinking water important? How much do I really need per day? Will I get the same effect if I drink other beverages? Is there such a thing as too much? In this ultimate guide to water, we’ll help you get the answers to all those questions. Hopefully at the end of this article, we’ve convinced you to get up to grab a glass of water.

How much water should one consume daily

Staying hydrated is very important. Our body is 60% water! The recommended amount of water is eight glasses a day. However, this number can vary based on your height and weight. For those who weigh more or are taller and have a higher BMI, need more water to account for their body type. There are many helpful charts that can be found detailing out exactly how much water is needed for your BMI. Eight glasses is a good estimate for the average person.

Can water be substituted with other drinks

Although other beverages can offer similar hydration such as juices or sports drinks, keep in mind that these other beverages contain high amounts of sugar and completely replacing water with these options is not feasible for your body. Occasionally drinking an alternate for water isn’t going to harm your body, but continuously skipping water for other drinks may lead to weight gain and other problems caused by having too much sugar or chemicals found in many beverages. Drinking water and staying properly hydrated is especially important when you’re performing physical activity. When you’re sweating, your body is losing water, so drinking water to replace what’s being lost is really important.

Benefits of drinking water


If you’re still not convinced that water is the holy grail for your body, the benefits that are gained by drinking water are unmatched by any other beverage. Some of the benefits of drinking water include increased levels of energy and brain function, prevention of headaches, constipation relief, weight loss benefits, and improved kidney function. Drinking water assists with weight loss by reducing your appetite and increasing your metabolism so you can burn more calories. Water also has zero calories so you don’t have to worry if you’re dieting.

There is such a thing as too much water, but most of us usually won’t come anywhere near that limit. It is recommended not to drink more than 0.8 to 1.0 liters of water per hour. This is because it’ll cause an overload on the kidneys since they won’t be  able to get rid of this massive amount of water rapidly enough without causing harm to your body.

In summary, most of us aren’t regularly drinking enough water. Because of how necessary water is for our health and its benefits, a conscious effort must be made to try and get in a few more cups of water daily. So what are you waiting for? Go grab that glass of water now!

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Author: Ahaana Sahay