Vitamins Chart: Classification, Types, Sources and Functions

Vitamins Chart: Classification, Types, Sources and Functions

Whenever you hear the word “Vitamins”, don’t you tend to relate it with a healthy diet and good health? This is exactly what vitamin does. You must have seen food manufacturers bragging about the vitamin content in their food. The food boxes have bold lettering of “Vitamins” to convince you that whatever you’re eating is healthy and good for you.

Vitamins are the organic compounds that are very essential for the body in order to make it function properly and smoothly. The foods that you eat provide you vitamins, but you need to know which food provides which vitamin and in what quantity. Later, in the article, we have a vitamin list presenting the types of vitamins, classification, sources and functions. Note that there happens to be a different vitamin chart according to age. However, the basic vitamin chart has been presented here.


Classification of Vitamins

We have a total of 13 types of vitamins, with their classification done into two groups: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Initially, they were named alphabetically. However, now we have the chemical names of these vitamins. Know more about them below:

Water-soluble vitamins

These vitamins get dissolved in water. The body, being a watery environment, requires these vitamins and they can easily float around the body and also get washed away through urine.

Vitamin B, Thiamin or Vitamin B1

Sources: Seeds, nuts, whole grain, breads, cereals and legumes.

Functions: Facilitates nerve function and improves energy metabolism.

Riboflavin or Vitamin B2

Sources: Dairy products, whole grain, breads, cereals, and leafy greens.

Functions: Maintains good vision and skin health and improves energy metabolism.

Niacin or Vitamin B3

Sources: Whole grain breads, meat, fish, poultry, cereals, mushrooms, leafy greens and peanut butter.

Functions: Energy metabolism, improves digestive system, nervous system and skin health.


Pantothenic Acid or Vitamin B5

Sources: Widespread in foods

Functions: used for energy metabolism

Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6

Sources: Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and poultry

Functions: Used for energy metabolism and making red blood cells.

Biotin or Vitamin B7

Sources: Produced by bacteria in the intestinal tract and also widespread in foods.

Functions: Used for energy metabolism

Folic Acid or Vitamin B9

Sources: Seeds and nuts, legumes, leafy green vegetables, orange juice and refined grains.

Functions: Used for making DNA and red blood cells.

Cobalamin or Vitamin B12

Sources: Dairy products, fish, meat, poultry, seafood and eggs.

Functions: Improves nerve function and used for making new cells.

Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C

Sources: Citrus fruits, cabbage, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuces, mangoes, papaya, kiwifruit, peppers.

Functions: Protein metabolism, improves immune system health.

These vitamins dissolve in fat and the fat gets stored in the body.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin A

Sources: Dairy products, liver, eggs, dark orange fruits, pumpkin, carrot, sweet potatoes.

Functions: Improves vision, tooth growth, skin health, immune system health and mucus membranes.

Vitamin D

Sources: Fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified margarine and fortified milk.

Functions: For proper absorption and storage of calcium in bones

Vitamin E

Sources: Soybean oil, leafy greens, whole grain products, egg yolks, seeds and nuts.

Functions: Protects cell walls and works as an antioxidant.

Vitamin K

Sources: leafy greens, brussels sprouts and asparagus.

Functions: Required for proper blood clotting

Although there is a different vitamin chart according to age, this is the base of vitamins and all the types, classifications, functions and sources have been mentioned here. Go through these and prepare your diet according to it to stay healthy.

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Author: Ahaana Sahay