5 Ways to Boost Testosterone Level  

5 Ways to Boost Testosterone Level  

Testosterone is a hormone found in both humans and in some animals that is responsible for the transitioning of the body. The natural steroid is found in male testicles and female ovaries in varying quantities. Being responsible for the changes in the body, testosterone leads to the development of testes and penises, muscles and bones, changes in the male voice, and maintaining a healthy sex drive. 

As you age, your level of testosterone tends to drop. However, to lead a healthy life, it is crucial to maintain an appropriate level of hormones. Apart from being indispensable for male health, testosterone also plays a pivotal role in female health and sexual well-being. Here are five natural ways that can help you increase your testosterone: 

boost testosterone

1. Stay Active to Boost Testosterone

According to a study conducted in 1983 about T levels, exercising significantly boosts testosterone levels in males. Although exercising increases the levels of testosterone, not all exercises might be beneficial. Resistance training is the best way to increase the levels of hormones in the body. A study in 2007 found that males who performed resistance training three days a week for four consecutive weeks encountered a rise in their T level. The levels of the hormone depend upon your body’s functions. When you spend most of your time being lazy laying on your couch while you binge eat, your brain believes that the hormonal requirement for the body is low. Hence, to increase the production of testosterone, exercising can be helpful. 

2. Sleep Tight 

High-quality sleep helps keep stress levels at bay and maintain the health of an individual. As per a study conducted, a short duration of sleep can lead to obesity and other health problems. Various researches have found that an individual needs seven or more hours of sleep to lead a healthy and happy life free from diseases. According to George Yu, MD, a urology professor at the George Washington University Medical Center, the major factor that results in low testosterone levels is poor sleep. Sleep deprivation can affect various hormones in the body, which can, furthermore, lead to poor testosterone levels. Consequently, it is suggested to improve your sleep quality and duration to naturally boost the hormone. 

3. Get Rid of Stress 

A stressful day would not lead to a drop in testosterone level, but continuous stress can result in lower hormone levels, thus impacting your health. Too much stress can elevate cortisol levels leading to low T levels. A high level of stress can also result in increased food intake leading to weight gain and storage of harmful fats around the organs. As a result, it is crucial to maintain a lifestyle that keeps stress at bay. Meditation and yoga are effective ways of combating stress. 

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight and Eat Right 

Males who are overweight tend to have low testosterone. Consequently, t is important to maintain a healthy weight. For men with some extra pounds, it will be beneficial to lose some weight to bring up their testosterone level. Similarly, for those underweight, gaining a few pounds can help them gain their hormone level back. Walking briskly, running and performing exercises are a few efficacious ways to get back on track with your weight. Eating the right food is key to maintaining a healthy weight. A herb called ashwagandha proves to be beneficial in increasing the levels of testosterone in males. Apart from that, consuming ginger extract also facilitates a rise in the hormone level. 

5. Avoid Alcohol and Estrogen-like Chemicals

The level of testosterone is also impacted by the high use of estrogen-like chemicals like BPA, parabens, and other chemicals. Furthermore, excessive consumption of alcohol or drug uses leads to a fall in testosterone levels. You must avoid these substances to maintain a healthy level of testosterone in your body. 

Although it is recommended to maintain an adequate level of testosterone in your body for a healthy life, Dr. Eleftherios Diamandis, professor in the Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology department at the University of Toronto, does not recommend excess testosterone in the body as it can negatively impact your health. 

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Author: Mansi GuptaApart from being a graduate in English Literature, Mansi is a knowledge freak who loves to wade through the pages of almost all types of books. Watching outside the windowpane and brewing stories are some of the hobbies that make her an extremely introverted personality. Writing isn't just a passion for her but a survival force that keeps her dragging through the absurdity and existentialism of life. She started writing in her school days. She writes articles concerning health, lifestyle, fashion, sexual awareness, and feminism. Currently, when physical and mental health deteriorates incessantly, she wishes to create awareness through her articles about its indispensability.