5 Drinks to make your morning healthy

5 Drinks to make your morning healthy

Ever wondered, why some of your colleagues or friends are power packed with bundle of energy and looks always fresh and healthy? The secret may lie in the fact that they start their day healthy and maintain this round the year. Here are 5 water morning drinks to make your day healthy or to keep yourself charged for whole day.

A glass of warm water morning drink.

 Yes, so simple, so easy. Warm water heals our body, provides digestive power, reduces metabolic waste that could have built up in our immune system.

Water cleanses our digestive system by flushing out toxins, reduces constipation, bloating, bowel movements.

hot warm water morning drink

It alleviates pain from headaches and menstruation as it soothes the abdominal muscles, it gives relief from cramps and spasm.

It helps gastrointestinal tracts and kidneys to function well.

Blood circulation improves whereby eliminating fat deposits, repairs skin cells to increase elasticity by drinking a glass of warm water early in the morning.

A glass of warm water with half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey.

This concoction magically cleanses your liver, expels toxins, regulates bowel movement and keeps the digestive system healthy.

This aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients.

lemon with warm water morning drink

It detoxifies the body from its toxins in tissues, skin, liver and respiratory tract.

It increases immunity by eliminating infection, cough, cold and allergies, improves metabolism and keeps you fit and healthy 

It thins the mucus in the throat and helps to throw it out and acts as a disinfectant and suppresses the phlegm, mucus and cough.

A glass of green tea with a tablespoon of honey.

Millions of South East Asians have hailed green tea as their daily drink as it contains polyphenols an anti-aging element together with anti-oxidants, flavonoids and other essential nutrients.

green tea with lemon and honey morning drink

Green tea taken with honey increases metabolism, flushes out free radicals from the system and it’s good for the heart.

It reduces the risk of cavities, tooth decay and plaque.

It stimulates brain function and keeps you active and alert.

One glass of warm water with one tablespoon of turmeric.

Turmeric is a herbal remedy for thousands of years in Indian and Chinese medicine.

Turmeric has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. It boosts immunity, helps reduce cardiovascular complications, helps prevent cancer by reducing the risk of cell damage, cell mutation and limits the growth of tumors and cancer cells.

Turmeric water morning drink

It helps manage irritable bowel syndrome, slows down neuro-degenaration, managed diabetes protects against liver damage. Lung condition like asthama, pulmonary diseases are taken care of. It reduces arthritis.

A glass of warm water with a tablespoon of ginger and honey.

This concoction is a natural remedy for respiratory problems like cough, cold and soothes pain in throat. It thins the mucus build up in the breathing passages and aids in expelling infections. Inflammation of the airways is removed. It helps to open up sinus and rids of mucus in respiratory system.

It benefits the heart by reducing cholesterol and prevents blood clots, fights heart diseases by removing clogs in blood vessels.

ginger honey water morning drink

It strengthens immunity, aids digestion and prevents nausea and morning sickness.

 What are you waiting for? Take a swig of these amazing natural concoctions to sail through your day happy and healthy.  You may think it’s too simple, too good to be true but here lies the secret for longevity and good health.

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Author: Ahaana Sahay