Why do we fart – the science behind farting

Why do we fart – the science behind farting

Farting is normal phenomena and each day on an average we fart about 10-20 times. Medically fart is known as Flatulence and Flatus. We fart approximately 2.5Liters of gas every day. The gases that we fart are mainly odorless but a small amount of hydrogen-sulfide that is passed along makes it smelly. The main gases that are involved in farting are nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, oxygen and carbon dioxide.


What causes excessive farting

We fart mainly due to gases produced by bacteria in the intestine during digestion. However, there are many other factors also that causes farting like swallowed air, alcoholic drinks, coeliac diseases, and intolerance to lactose. Sometimes we fart because of undigested or hard to digest foods as well. In some cases, farting happens as a side effect of medicine. The body tends to release all its gases either through anus or through mouth by burping. If you try to control your fart, it may still be silently passed or till the time you next excrete.

 Can certain foods cause farting

Yes, some foods may cause excessive farting. Beans is one of such foods. It is a healthy and nutritious food full of soluble fibers. Due to this fibers it releases a lot of gas in the intestine. Besides beans, there are many other foods like lentils, pulses, apple, peas and food made of sugar alcohols. Many vegetables high in Sulphur content also causes farting. Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and sprouts.

Should we control farting

No, it is not a good idea to hold fart for a long time. It is a natural process and it must be released. But when you fart publicly, it can be painful for others, hence can avoid doing that in public. Consuming less fiber in your diet may reduce your fart but fiber is extremely important for your health. It protects from piles, cancer and diverticula.

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Author: Ahaana Sahay