Pulses Types, Names, Nutrition and Health Benefits

Pulses Types, Names, Nutrition and Health Benefits

Pulses are also called grain legumes, and they are a group of crops that are high in protein and beneficial to every human who loves good nutrition in his/her diet. However, not much is known about this wonderful group of crops by the overwhelming majority of people in the world because pulses have nutrition and health benefits in its own.

So in this article, we are on a quest to educate. We will look at different pulses examples (types of pulses), while also looking at the importance of pulses and also pulses nutrition and health benefits (what is really contained within these pulses.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into it.

Types of pulses

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, there are 11 pulses examples recognized by them. These 11 are:

Pulses and its types
  • Dry beans
  • Broad Beans
  • Dry peas
  • Chickpeas
  • Cowpeas
  • Pigeon peas
  • Lentils
  • Bambara beans
  • Vetches
  • Lupins
  • Pulsesnes

Armed with this information, let us now take a deep look into what pulses contain and how these things are beneficial to us.

Pulses Nutrition

Now, let us consider some of the things that make pulses so desirable and necessary for your diet, whoever you are. We are also going to list some of the importance of these nutrients in pulses:


Pulses contain a very substantial amount of protein within it. It is one of the most essential plant-based sources of protein all around the world. You can find more protein (about two times more) in beans, peas and the other pulses than that found in other grains like wheat, rice, corn, and others. If you are a vegan and you want plant-based protein, pulses should be considered.

Remember that protein is vital in the growth of tissues in your body, loss of unnecessary fat, and building of muscles. So if you are working out, you should consider getting pulses in your diet with immediate effect.

Dietary Fiber

You can get more than half the required fiber for a day simply by boiling a single cup of pulses. That’s how loaded pulses are. Remember that fiber can help you manage body weight, manage sugar levels, as well as lower cholesterol in the body.

If you are interested in getting those benefits, consider getting some extra pulses for your diet.

Other nutrients

There are other nutrients worth checking out in pulses. Nutrients like Folate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron are good for the body and are worth checking out. These nutrients can be gotten by taking just a single (in fact, half) cup of pulses.

These benefits do not come with side effects, except when taken in excess. This statement is true for all kinds of foods, whether beneficial or harmful.

In conclusion…

In this article, we considered pulses examples (types of pulses), while also looking at the importance of pulses and also pulses nutrition.

We have established a lot of facts in this simple and short article, enough to get you educated on how vital these legumes are to your body.  

With all said and examined, it would be surprising if you aren’t already on your feet, on your way to the nearest store to pack a ton of pulses for yourself.

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Author: Ahaana Sahay