Amazing Top 10 Morning Drinks to Keep you charged, whole day!

Is being a bundle of energy and joy the whole day a myth or an achievable reality? Let’s decode why some people are full of sunshine the whole day!  What’s the secret of your colleagues and friends power packed performance at home and work?

morning health drinks

The secret lies in these top 10 morning drinks.

You maybe surprised and think it’s too simple or too good to be true!

Yes, the age old, time tested healthy body and mind lies in natural ingredients, easy to procure, easy to make. Why injest our body with chemicals?

These top 10 early morning drinks not only detoxes yet it infuses you with energy to sail through you day happily.

Let’s get down to revealing the secret and give a thumbs up and take a swig of these top 10 morning drinks.

Luke Warm Water

 A glass of warm water is all it takes to kick start the day. Since 6 to 8 hours body is starved of food and water during sleep. It would be a great idea tohydrate the body and flush out the toxins. It soothes the digestive system from bloating and heaviness, improves the metabolism and improves blood circulation

Lemon Juice

A Tablespoon of Lemon Juice added to honey and warm water infuses vitamin C, Potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. It cleanses the colons and improves immunity. It helps improving digestion and metabolic rate, which in turn helps in losing weight.

morning drink lemon juice

Apple Cider Vinegar

A Tablespoon APPLE CIDER vinegar in water lowers blood pressure, reduces weight plus infuses vitamin C.

Fresh Coconut Water

A  glass of COCONUT WATER gift wrapped by nature is filled with potassium and calciumsoothing our over stressed digestive system injested with all kinds of junk and  oily food.

Morning health drink coconut water

Aloe Vera

An ounce of ALOE VERA and GOOSEBERRY juice in warm water removes toxins and helps maintain good hair and skin. It helps in reducing weight too.

Ginger Tea

A cup of GINGER Tea is a boon for people suffering from inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism etc. It helps to overcome upset stomach and peps your metabolism.

Turmeric and Pepper

A teaspoon of TURMERIC and a pinch of PEPPER in a glass of water is good to relieve digestive problems and helps to bringdown inflammation. Turmeric has hundreds of benefits and can keep many diseases at bay.

Green Tea

A bag of GREEN TEA is just enough caffeine to boost your day plus help lose weight and maintain good health. People from far east swear by green tea miracles which is the secret to their longevity, beauty,healthy hair and skin.

Orange Juice

A glass of ORANGE JUICE boosts your energy instilling vitamin C and keeps many infections and allergies at bay.

Beetroot Juice

A tablespoon of BEETROOT Juice lowers blood pressure and fills the system with many minerals to stay healthy.

morning drink beet root juice

Let’s give these top 10 early morning drinks a high five and toast with the great health for lifetime.

Some further good reads

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Author: Ahaana Sahay