Top 10 weight loss tips

Top 10 weight loss tips

Every second person we meet intends to lose weight at the earliest and is always hunting for remedies that can help to do so at the earliest. But you will be surprised to know that not many people actually understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss. There are some weight loss tips which every person should follow.

Weight loss tips

It can best be defined as loss of body fat, muscle as well as water.

Fat loss clearly means reduction of fat accumulated in the body.

Since most people opt for a weight loss program via extreme dieting, it is a must to mention that it is NOT a healthy way to do so. One’s objective however should be to retain or build muscle while simultaneously losing fat as well. In true sense this is called fitness. Towards this, let’s learn about top 10 food types which can aid in effective weight loss.


For those looking at weight loss without compromising on the metabolism of the body, cinnamon makes for calcium, iron and fiber-rich spice. It can be consumed in beverages or in preparations such as cooked food, curd and fruits.

Brussels sprouts

Since a program is focused at minimal calorie intake, they make for a great option when it comes to consuming protein/fibre rich substitute to a high-carb diet.

Apples & Pears

Apples are commonly recommended for weight loss as they are low on sodium and hence do not promote water retention in the body. Both apples and pears are the best substitutes for high calorie food cravings and are rich in minerals and vitamins.


Cauliflowers are one the strongest sources of antioxidants and are equally rich in protein, fibre and vitamin C. You can replace one of your carb meals with this vegetable for fast weight loss.

Pumpkin seeds

There is no better option if you are looking at a one-stop food item which not only contains protein, fiber and phosphorous but also copper, zinc, folate, potassium and manganese.


Dates are powerhouses of calories and only in a few of them, you not only get enough energy to function but also high fibre, vitamin B6 and potassium.

Leeks/ Bok Choy

Both leeks and bok choy are high on water content and are potentially rich on beta-carotene, vitamin A and other minerals. They are extremely low on calories.

Pork for Weight loss

Pork is a favorite choice for those looking at muscle gain. Since muscle growth promotes fat loss, consuming this dietary delight can do much good to the body.

Stews for Weight loss

Nothing beats an evening meal for a stew that is packed with vegetables and carrots, ginger, coriander and sage. You have it and see how fat melts away from your system.


It is known to store low calories fat with high amount of iron.One of the richest sources of protien. For those looking at rigorous weight loss regime, this can make for a suitable meal.

Some further good reads

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Author: Ahaana Sahay